“We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give. “
(Winston Churchill)
Mihalics Law Firm considers it important to be environmentally conscious, so in the fall of 2020, we launched our Green Office Program. Bearing in mind sustainable development. The goal of the Program – bearing in mind sustainable development – is to make the office environment a more livable, greener living space and strengthen the environmentally-conscious attitude of our colleagues.
For the sake of this, our Office has made several commitments.
All bulbs were replaced with long-lasting and energy-saving ones.
In addition to the fact that due to the practice of document destruction, the collection of paper waste has been carried out selectively so far, from the autumn, our Office will also collect plastic waste separately.
A balloon water dispenser was purchased to generate as little plastic waste as possible. This reduces the number of PET bottles purchased and provides an opportunity for our colleagues to have easy and fast access to good quality, fresh, clean mineral water, which is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle.
Several green plants have been placed in our Office to achieve a greener living space, which, in addition to their aesthetic value, also act as a natural air filter, thus protecting our health.